In languages with little to no etymological overlap, the word for mother is almost always some iteration of an 'm' and 'a' sound, whether it be 'mama' in Mandarin Chinese, or 'mama' in English. It is made up of these two sounds because as the vocal cords are exercised with the mouth closed, a 'mm' sound is made, and when open an 'a' sound, thus this is one of the first sounds to be formed upon the use of the vocal cords, and of one of the first subjects to be contemplated of by a person, their mother.
Words that begin with a simple sound, a 'm,' 'b,' 'p,' 'k,' and so on, followed by an 'ah' or 'uh' sound, indicate a word denoting a subject contemplated on early in life. The Egyptian words 'ba' for soul, 'ra' for the solar God, 'ka' for spirit, and 'khat' for body, all fall into this category. It is clear then that things such as soul, spirit, God, and body were contemplated early on, and were the first things to be spoken of. Meanwhile in English such philosophical concepts are often designated to multi-syllabic, abstruse words, indicating such concepts were thought of later.

People did not begin speaking to contemplate their survival, their needs of survival were already met, they lived in the Garden of Eden, and the first things contemplated on were that of philosophical matters, as commands such as 'go,' 'stop' and other early words were not necessary in a world where there was no anxiety of survival. So there are words formulated from this powerful 'ah' sound, such as merkabah, kaballah, Allah, God, and so forth. Philosophical language was literally that of baby-speech, the words 'ma' and 'papa' would be uttered along with 'ba' and 'ra'. The first sounds out thine own mouth. This language indicates human history did not begin with pinheaded cavemen smashing rocks together, but instead with contemplation of the highest philosophy, before such a descent into that primitivism was made.

The term 'Eden' is traced back to the Sumerian word 'Edin' which literally means 'steppe' or 'plain.' The genuine physical location of this near-utopian era of civilization existed along the Eurasian steppe, which stretches from Romania, through Central Asia, to Manchuria. Those who are the descendants of the steppe peoples, namely the Indo-Aryans, Dacians, Mongolians, Siberians, Oroqen, Manchurians, and (North) Koreans, have, with varying degrees of genetic preservation descended from these people who are the source of humanity's central greatness. The biting of the apple, or the initiated descent that followed these peoples from the steppe was the pursuit of knowledge. Living in a type of existence that is pre-ontological, where actions are natural and not produced via ontology, is a primordial or baby stage of existence, blissful in its nature. Adam & Eve now realizing they are naked is perfectly analogous -- practically homologous, to Lacan's 'mirror stage,' that stage in which a baby finally realizes it is themselves who they are looking at in the mirror. This growing-old induces increased suffering for all of human history, undergoing a devolution until Catholicism's latter days or Hinduism's Kali Yuga. This growing-old also corresponds to the individual person's life, who begins in a blissful, pre-ontological, baby state, before undergoing their own devolution unto adulthood.

The intellect has been degraded to logical practicality, and thus our ability to produce machinery the best it's ever been produced somehow indicates our intellect is the best it's ever been. But the intellect is for realizing Truth, and what is logical is not necessarily true, conversely, what is True is necessarily logical. Rama P. Coomaraswamy writes that man is a possessed by a "suprarational vision" and it is "this suprarational vision, intellection or insight that gives man, not only discernment, but certitude: certitude in his own existence as a being, confidence in the functional capacity of reason, the ability to discriminate between what is real and what is unreal, what is true and what is false." Truth is instead a top-down system from this supra-rational vision, retroactively justifying its logic, rather than logically justifying its truth. Like this historical principle of devolution, there is a metaphysical principle of retroaction.

It is Adam & Eve's self-awareness which begins their descent from God, likewise is humanity's. Aside from its mirror stage analogy, they realize their Self in their self, or their higher principled being as their corporeal body, and in seeing this, subtract themselves from higher existence. In other words they see themselves in what is not their Self. They feel ownership of their body, and thus shame in their nudity, when in reality their body is not their Self.